How does a combination padlock work?
Impressioning: Impressioning involves creating a copy of the lock's key by inserting a blank key into the lock and manipulating it until it creates a working key. This method requires a high level of skill and specialized tools but can be useful when SPP or raking are not possible.
Bypassing: Bypassing involves manipulating the lock or its housing in a way that allows it to be opened without directly manipulating the pins or other internal components of the lock. This can include using a shim or a knife blade to manipulate the latch or shackle of a padlock, for example. Bypassing may not work on all types of locks and is generally considered less reliable than other methods.
Lockpicking techniques can be learned through practice and experimentation, but it is important to remember that lockpicking should only be used for lawful purposes and with the permission of the owner of the property being unlocked.