What is a padlock?
Insert the tension wrench: The first step is to insert the tension wrench into the bottom of the keyway and turn it gently in the direction that the lock would normally turn to open. This creates tension and allows the picker to feel for the binding pin.
Identify the binding pin: The binding pin is the one that is set deeper than the other pins and requires more pressure to move. Use the hook pick to gently lift the pins one at a time until you find the one that is binding.
Apply pressure: Once the binding pin is identified, apply gentle upward pressure to it with the hook pick. Be careful not to use too much pressure or you could damage the pin or break it.
Release tension on the wrench: Release a small amount of tension on the wrench while maintaining pressure on the binding pin. This will allow the pin to set at the correct height without being pushed back down by the other pins.